Product Upload Request Form

Fill in the below to submit a request to POSUP to upload menu items to your POS system.

Please note: any requested changes will be completed according to our SLAs, and we’ll be in touch if we need any further information from you!

    About You:

    Your name*

    Your email*

    Your Business:

    Business name*


    Image Link

    Please provide a link to a folder containing all your product imagery. Please either name the images appropriately within the folder, or use the fields provided below to point out which image is for which product.


    Add Products

    Product name*

    Price (inc. tax)*


    Image name/reference*
    (in the folder provided above)


    Options/Add-Ons* (please include allergens on any options mentioned)

    Dietary Options*

    Containing Allergens*

    If you've finished adding all your products, click on submit below! If you have any more to add, return to the previous screen to add more products.

    Any notes to add on the products you've added in?